Feuilles de consignes (FR)

Tags: 1st grade, 2nd grade, French, School, Pre-K and Kindergarten, Themes

Last modification: Oct 10, 2014, 4:02:45 PM


  • PDF Files
  • Language: French
  • Color, Black & White
  • Page size: 8.5 X 11 in
  • 2 versions (4 pages, 7 pages)

These illustrated instruction sheets in French can be very useful for showing tasks to children who can't yet read or speak French. The instructions are: additionne, aiguise, assemble, associe, attache, barre, cherche, coche, colle, colorie, complète, compte, découpe, dessine, écoute, écris, efface, encercle, jette, lis, observe, parle fort, plie, recycle, relie, replace, reproduis, souligne, soustrais, surligne, trace, trouve, fais un x ou fais une x (croix).

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