Monde polaire - 51 grands mots illustrés (FR)
Tags: Word Labels, 1st grade, 2nd grade, French, Pre-K and Kindergarten, 3rd - 4th Grade, 5th and 6th Grade, Animals, Polar World, Themes, Large - Script Writing
Last modification: Feb 4, 2024, 1:33:13 PM
- PDF files (digital download)
- Language: French
- Color
- Lines: sidewalk lines, double lines, calligraphic lines, without lines
- With or without articles
- Page Size: 8.5 X 11 in (landscape orientation)
- 17 pages, 3 words per page
Large classroom word wall cards to learn vocabulary related to the polar world and polar animals in French (51 words are illustrated). Four versions are included: without lines, with sidewalk lines, with double lines or with calligraphic lines.
The words are: albatros, Antarctique, Arctique, aurore boréale, baleine bleue, baleine boréale, baleine à bosse, banquise, belette, boeuf musqué, cachalot, caribou, chien, cormoran, éléphant de mer, gorfou sauteur, grizzly, harfang des neiges, iceberg, igloo, Inuits, inukshuk, krill, lemming, léopard de mer, lièvre, loutre, loup arctique, lynx, macareux, manchot, manchot de Magellan, morse, mouflon, narval, oie des neiges, orque, ours polaire, panthère des neiges, phoque, pingouin, poisson, pôle Nord, pôle Sud, renard polaire, renard roux, renne, skua, sterne, vison d'Amérique, zibeline.
Click on the preview button to see some word wall cards.
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- Double lines - PDF file
- Sidewalk lines - PDF file
- Calligraphic lines - PDF file
- Without lines - PDF file
- With articles - Compressed Folder (ZIP)