Whole Body Listening - Butterfly

Tags: 1st grade, 2nd grade, Insects and creatures, English, French, Pre-K and Kindergarten, Characters, Butterfly, Themes

Last modification: Sep 1, 2021, 11:21:52 AM

  • PDF files
  • Languages: English, French
  • Color, black & white
  • 3 pages per file
  • Page size: 8.5 X 11''

Posters illustrating the whole body listening with butterflies. Each file contains one poster per page, two posters per page, and four posters per page. Color and black and white versions are available.

For quick intervention with children, each step is associated with the fingers of the hand. Thus, you can indicate which stage the child must respect by the number of fingers that you show him. The steps are:

1. I sit

2. I look

3. I listen

4. My hands are calm

5. My mouth is quiet

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