Mots fléchés (FR) - Nutrition, corps, maison et verbes

Tags: Writing, 1st grade, 2nd grade, French, Food, Human body, 3rd - 4th Grade, House, Games, Themes

Last modification: Feb 6, 2025, 1:46:38 PM

  • PDF files (digital download)
  • Language: French
  • Black & white
  • Page size: 8.5 X 11 in
  • 4 pages

Each picture corresponds to a number in the grid. The child writes the word illustrated in the right place. The list of words to place is written to help the student. The themes of these crosswords (or arrowwords) are: nutrition (alimentation), corps humain, maison et verbes.

The words to write for each theme are:

  • Nutrition: banane, café, carotte, eau, faim, fraise, fruit, fromage, jus, légume, manger, oeuf, pain, pomme et verre
  • Corps humain: bouche, bras, cheveu, coeur, corps, cou, dent, main, nez, oreille, pied, pouce, visage et voir
  • Verbes: aimer, avoir, chanter, demander, devenir, dormir, être, lever, lire, manger, ouvrir, parler, rester et voler
  • Maison: arbre, chaise, chambre, cuisine, entrée, famille, fenêtre, lampe, lit, maison, mur, porte et table

Note that children should not write accents in the grid.

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  • Activity sheet - PDF file
  • Answer key - PDF file


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